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Heatmap Chart - Component test plan

Snapshot tests

Test caseValidationTool used
With only data, domainValuesForColorScale and rangeValuesForColorScale propsShould render heatmap chart correctlyEnzyme
When data is not present for some groupShould render heatmap chart correctlyEnzyme
When hideLegend prop is set to trueShould not render legendsEnzyme
When yAxisTickFormat prop is setShould render y axis labels correctlyEnzyme
When the layout direction is RTLShould render heatmap chart correctlyEnzyme
When the theme is darkShould render heatmap chart correctlyEnzyme
When custom formatter functions are set for x and y axis stringsShould render axis labels correctlyRTL
With numeric datapointsShould render heatmap chart correctlyRTL

Rendering and behavior tests

Test caseValidationTool used
When hideTooltip prop is set to trueShould not show a calloutEnzyme
When data is emptyShould render the empty chart divEnzyme

Interaction and accessibility tests

Test caseValidationTool used
When the mouse moves over a rectangleShould render the callout correctlyEnzyme
When the mouse moves over a legend and then moves out of the legendShould highlight the corresponding rectangle(s) and unhighlight them respectivelyRTL
When a legend is clicked once and then clicked againShould highlight the corresponding rectangle(s) and unhighlight them respectivelyRTL
When a highlighted rectangle is hovered/focused and then an unhighlighted rectangle is hovered/focusedShould show a callout and hide it respectivelyRTL